Well hello there.
So last week I was out of town visiting my family back home. We live in a very small town and at my dads house I get barely any cell reception, no 3G coverage and we have no internet, so needless to say blogging was not much of an option.
I did get this super cute picture of me and my nephew Ollie at the zoo. He wasn't as excited about photo taking as I was |
Apparently sticky to WW wasn't much of an option either. Without my phone app I was lost, and
REALLY kinda fell off the wagon. But all is well, no major damage was done, but I have gained approx 1.5-2 lbs. Its also that time again so it's hard to really tell. Either way I will weigh-in tomorrow and we will see what happens.
I was pretty upset with myself on Monday to be honest. I had been eating like crap, and hadn't worked out at all since I got sick. I was on doctors orders no exercise until I finished my antibiotics due to being so dehydrated. So I finished my antibiotics last Friday and no working out + crappy food put me in a very squishy and bloated place. BUT last night I went and ran with the boyfriend and immediately felt better about everything. We are all going to fall off the wagon at some point, just don't let it keep you from getting back on! I know I won't!
I started my shakeology again, am now taking all my vitamins everyday plus a probiotic, and issued a new rule, 64 ounces of water a day before I get to have anything else to drink. It has already helped tremendously! I have much more energy, I am sleeping better, my digestion is back on track, and my skin is actually looking better. Water + Vitamins= Better Health in my book.
New Happenings!
*So I am currently looking for employment. I have spent all day scouring the job boards and actually have 2 very exciting leads. One of which I REALLY hope works out! I want to work full time in the summer, and then stay on part time in the fall and spring. More info to come!
*I have started a daily bible study! I have never done one before, and I am pretty excited. It is the Soul Detox and I found it through Instagram. Its a phone app and is really well designed and user friendly. I would love for anyone who wants to to join me to let me know!! Here are the instructions on how to find it!
1. Download the YouVersion bible app
2. create a free account
3. go to plans
4. select soul detox plan
This little light of mine! I'm gonna let it shine! |
It's a 35 day bible study and it gives you the study materials and the bible verses to study in any bible version you prefer. I like the Contemporary English Version best, just more my style! On instagram or twitter you can follow this study as well through #shereadstruth and/or #souldetox. They are already on day 14 so you can either catch up to day 14 from when you start or go at your own pace, or JOIN ME!
*Woodchuck is now in cans! We have waited forever for this day! :) Thanks Woodchuck for continuing to be awesome.
Can of Woodchuck and fresh Louisiana Crawfish. Best Saturday |
Also still available in Bottles in all your favorite varieties! |
*Bonnaroo is in 9 days!! I CAN'T WAIT. I got my ticket today!
9 more days and I will be back!! |
My Ticket! Glad they are cloth this year and not plastic like last year! |