Monday, April 30, 2012

Rant On

Here is a quick rant I feel the need to have.

I am watching TV, an updating my blog, and I see the same commercial 4 times over the span of an hour. Which commercial you ask? Sensa.

Sensa is a product you sprinkle on your food and it helps you lose weight. WTF. I can't stand these commercials and these products. While it would be amazing to sprinkle some magic powder on your cheeseburger and lose weight, it doesn't work like that! Being healthy isn't about pumping your body full of synthetic products so it looks good on the outside. What do you think it looks like on the inside?

If you want to be at an appropriate weight and be HEALTHY you have to put the work in and trust me its harder than sprinkling some magic powder on your food. But in the long run you will be a better person for it. You will be healthier both inside and outside, with better habits and a sense of control of your life that you earned. You will grow.

Don't fall for the quick fix. We aren't entitled to anything we don't earn for ourselves, and there is no magic product that will make it all better. Instant gratification is just that, its is fleeting in a instant. Put the work in and get the results you earned! Besides, do we really have any idea of what we are putting into our bodies with these fake, man made products? Be smart people!!

Rant Over.

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