Friday, August 27, 2010

Sweet Disposition

I think sometimes you meet people and they change you. Something shifts and your different. Your views have changed, or you have suddenly truly experienced seeing life from someone else's eyes. This happens to me a lot in my line of work. I am constantly meeting patients who inspire me to be better, and optimistic. Sometimes you meet patients who exemplify exactly what you don't want to become. Today I had the privilege of meeting an 80 year old woman, who looked not a day older than 65. She was sharp as a tack, and beautiful. I asked her how she does it, and she responded "Live cleanly, and don't take pills". I loved it! What a wonderful inspiration for life. "Live cleanly". What exactly does this mean? You decide for yourself, but for me it means, live happily, open, and lovingly. Take care of your body, and of those around you. Be kind to people, and keep hatred out of your focus. I believe life is too short to spend your time focusing on so many negative things.

I am constantly meeting those exceptional people. Everyday I come into the life of someone who will probably not remember me when the consent form is returned in the mail, but who I will remember forever. It keeps me going somedays. When I got this job, I was so focused on being respectful and courteous to these patients, because I come in at such a fragile state in their life... but I then realized really they are coming to me in my fragile state. They are sick, and here so that a capable doctor can fix them, make it better, and make all the pain go away. But in real life, when your not sick, where are the capable doctors to fix everything? Who do we, the healthy people, turn to to make it all better?

I think we can do a lot for ourselves. We can choose to eat healthy and exercise, not smoke or drink, smile more and do things for ourself to make us happy and balanced. But at some point, we have to realize we can't do everything on our own. Sometimes, we need help. It is at these times when I encourage you to turn to your friends, and trust in God. I have lived through so many things in my short life, and there have been times when I have tried to carry it all... and it just doesn't work. When my mother passed away, I tried to take control, fix the family, clean the house, cook the meals, arrange the funeral, and keep everyone happy. I tried to be the captain, but eventually I had to give it all up. When I returned to school a short month later, I broke down, and just let it all go. I leaned on my sorority sisters, my friends, and just finally put it all in God's capable hands. I don't know what you believe, I don't know what your ideas involve, but I know that in times of health, but crisis, there are no doctors to fix everything. Of course things don't get better overnight. it takes time and work, but I encourage you to stop, and give yourself a break. Let Him take your burdens and help you work through them. Your not alone in anything, ever. This is one of the biggest lessons I have learned since I started my job. Even when you think no one cares, you might have just touched the life of a young research analyst, who will remember and think of you always. We will never truly know what impact we leave behind with someone. You might have changed a life today.

I am constantly reaching out. Trying to make connections with others, and learn their story. I think we all have a story to tell. We have all experienced something significant. Just imagine if we communicated that with each other more! I would love to know my friends better, and I want them to know me better. So I encourage you this weekend, to really reach out to someone. Have an actual conversation! Write a letter to a friend, or a stranger! Tell your story to someone, and really listen to theirs. You might just learn something new about yourself in the process!

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Emma, I knew you through that difficult time and I was amazed at how strong you were- and still are. You are a truly wonderful person and I am so lucky to have met you freshman year! It sounds like your job is quite fulfilling and that makes it so much easier to have such an optimistic outlook. Keep it up- I know there are many who turn to you for inspiration!
    (and don't sell yourself short, I am sure you have made an impact on many of those patients that they won't soon forget!)
