Friday, August 20, 2010


Hello blogging friends... I am a very bad blogger. This has become apparent to me. =/ sorry, I can't promise it will get better, but im really really going to try! So in the past month ish, things have been progressing nicely! Where to start???

OK so, I have really started to find myself as a Nashvillian. I am a member at Climb Nashville now! I LOVE it! I climb about 2-3 times a week and go to Yoga on Monday's and Thursday's. My Thursday yoga instructor is AMAZING! Cool Yoga Dude's class will completely kick your butt, but you feel wonderful when you leave! I am also becoming a regular at some of my favorite Nashville hotspots... for those of you who love FroYo, check out Sweet Cece's. I also hit up Sam's frequently, and have Sunday night cookouts and my friend Greg's house! I am finally starting to feel like I fit in, and am making a path formyself in this big city!

NEWSFLASH- This is a big update, so keep reading! I have been thinking about my plans for the future, ya know that time after Grad School. I am going to have a lot of debt (60,000+) and am still going to want to move forward with my PhD. I probably shouldn't post this, but I trust you guys... I am seriously, seriously considering joinging the Navy! It is a really good idea for me, I can go in with a speciality, work in a field that I am very interested in, as a Navy PhD Counselor working with sailors and families through grief and loss and post-traumatic stress disorder. It's not a definite, but I kinda figure why not? It's something I want to do, and you only live once right? I'll keep y'all updated =)

Now, my job... I just hit my 90 days! yay!!! I am eagerly waiting for my review and hopefully the subsequent raise that comes along with it.

This is where I work all day!

Most awesome mouse pad ever...

Look, my name is on an office door!

So theres a little sneak peak into 40 hours of my week! I am really enjoying what I do, and am looking forward to getting even better and more comfortable in my position...Research Analyst I (hoping to be a II one day)

Weight Watchers update... so I slacked, big time for a couple of weeks, and so have since the last post, only gotten down to 152.4 This is 14.4.lbs down from my original start weight. I am hoping to drop below 150 in the next 3 weeks!

Living the good life- note this was a night where I went WAY over my points ;)

New Developments- I now have a pen pal! I am very excited about this retro passtime... I even ordered some sweet new stationary... I am pumped. So if my new pen pal is reading this- You Rock! I even have started a budget... I keep it on an excel file on the jump drive on my keychain. I have done pretty good so far about keeping up with it and am hoping I can really focus on building my savings. We will see how it goes, but so far it has really helped me out.

Well folks, I PROMISE I will update at least once a week from now on... So keep tuned, I have some interesting things comming up! Preview- I am wanting to start my own 365 day project... check out my amazing inspiration!

Much Love,

1 comment:

  1. Budgeting sucks. Have you checked out It's a great website that will keep up your bank accounts and credit cards, 401k, stocks, everything and you can set budgets on there for everything too.
