So I fixed up the layout... I liked the other one but I needed a change... I don't know if I'll keep this one or not just trying it out for now!
So tonight is my first official Weight Watchers meeting. I'm getting all my information tonight and start bright and early tomorrow! I am really really excited, but also nervous. I feel like over the past 5 years I have hidden behind this person I am today, hidden behind my imperfections and short comings that I knew I could change and improve, but have chosen not to out of fear or self loathing. I have basically told myself for a long time that i don't deserve to be my best, I don't deserve to feel good about myself, but I'm so tired of hating on myself. If I don't make the necessary steps to treat myself right how can I ever expect anyone else to treat me right??? I am ready for this change, but still scared of having nothing to hide behind anymore. I can't make excuses anymore. I really want to be the best person I can be and this is where it starts, here with me , now, today. It's not a vanity thing, I'm not doing this to get attention or to make other people think better about me, I'm doing this for myself. I want to feel better and BE better, and right now I know I'm not living up to that potential I have... besides you are only young once, and I feel like I should use my youthfullness to it's fullest extent!
Fun fact today: Did you know that monkey's always open bananas from the bottom? The top is too unreliable, but a banana will ALWAYS peel from the bottom! Try it =)
Much Love,
your new layout is too cute!!! love it! thanks for the update :)